How Free to Download Project Management Web App Concept Can Help Businesses

Project Management App for Businesses

Project management is definitely a buzz word for every digital agency, manufacturing company, or any other line of business that juggles multiple projects, numerous clients, and an extensive team of employees with different roles, tasks, and deadlines within the same project.

Sure, there are dozens of great and praised project management apps out there, which we recently discussed.

However, each business, team, and project are unique, and an out-of-the-box solution just might not perfectly fit all your needs.

From there, you can go only two ways – come to terms that some of your wants simply won’t be answered, or to look for the desired feature in some other project management application. And truth be told, we can’t tell you which choice is worse.

But what if there was a solution? A project management app fully customizable to your demands, boasting all the features you’ve been wanting forever?

Read on to find out about the project management app design concept created by PopArt Studio, a digital agency providing web design and development services.

PopArt Studio has decided to share their project management web app concept with everyone to download it for free via their Behance profile. Stay tuned to find out how their concept can help you lift the weight off your shoulders.

Why Do You Need a Project Management App in the First Place?

Using a project management app helps companies and/or individuals streamline their work, manage reporting, invoicing, and other, rather mundane tasks, and thus enable team members and managers to focus on their work and on delivering better results.

Besides, a feature-packed project management application will free up your team from doing the legwork. 

Moreover, this type of app might prove pretty handy for clients as well, as they’ll get a better insight into the efficiency, progress, and processes of the projects you’ve been doing for them. 

Finally, a project management app can be a sort of a portfolio of your company where you’d store everything, from tasks and metrics to client/project milestones.

PopArt Studio Project Management App 

Let’s dive into the essentials of a valuable project management app. Here are some must-have features of a good project management app that PopArt Studio’s concept surely boasts:

Modern design

It is only when we land on a page that has an older or outdated design do we truly understand the meaning of a modern user interface design.

PopArt Studio’s project management app showcases the freshest trends in the world of website design, making the app look modern, contemporary, and relevant. Great front-end development done by PopArt makes this app concept very eye-pleasing and appealing.

Intuitive UI

Intuitive design is today at the center of the work of UI designers. It’s a feature that can cause the triumph or downfall of a product.

User-friendliness and beautiful, state-of-the-art design don’t necessarily go hand in hand, which is why it is so important to find that perfect balance.

Complicated navigation, overcrowded layout, and too many clicks required to reach your destination can all create a bad user experience. 

Therefore, simplicity was PopArt’s baseline strategy while designing this project management app concept.

If an app is easy to navigate and provides a fabulous user experience, you can expect an increase in efficiency, time management, and better performance across teams and projects.

Short Learning Curve

A significantly shorter learning curve means you won’t need to spend hours watching tutorials, reading through endless pages of guides, and plan a dedicated staff meeting just to go through the app’s basics. 

PopArt Studio’s project management app concept helps you focus on projects, strategies, and clients.

As such, their app is intuitive, simple to use out of the box solution that benefits improvement of the project and team workflow. It’s the best web app development company can offer to you.

Elements of a Project Management App by PopArt Studio

What PopArt Studio’s project management app offers, and how the feature-packed application concept can help you boost your business and team?

Project Station

This is the baseline for every project. In the project station dashboard, click ADD NEW PROJECT, set the project type, fill out other info such as the project name, the client, indebtedness, and due dates.

All this can be done within minutes thanks to the app’s modern and intuitive interface and a wide variety of options and features to choose from.

Client Management

Client Management

With multiple teams, projects, and clients, it’s easy to lose track of who’s in charge of what, when is your next meetings or project deadline, or what tasks are yet to be done.

Having a sorted out overview of what’s happening within your company, but also keep an eye on critical details that make or break client satisfaction, is no easy.

PopArt Studio’s project management app includes a client management section with an overview of all your clients, projects, employees assigned to respective projects, total monthly project breakdown, assets, and completed projects.

Such a comprehensive management section provides more insight when it comes to prioritizing projects. It’s an all-in-one database of projects you and your team are working on.

Client Station

The client station section is an overview of the projects and tasks assigned to each client.

Here, you can go in-depth regarding a specific client and project, and understand just how efficient your team works, discover areas that might use improvement, or pinpoint good practices applicable to other projects and clients. 

Besides, you can track finances across companies and projects in real-time.

Client Profile

Store all info on a client in a single place – thanks to the client profile section. From basic client info, such as name, address, phone, email, company, all the way to tasks, project details, requirements, and financial report, this section offers it all.

The client profile section allows you to set notes and reminders so that you never forget having a meeting again.

Client Profile

Calendar Preview

A well-organized and comprehensive calendar can help you prepare you and your entire team for the upcoming week without hours-long meetings every Monday (or every workday for that matter) only to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Access all projects and tasks, deadlines, meetings, etc., with this hefty feature.

Why PopArt’s project management app concept is a great solution?

The PopArt Studio’s project management app is an intuitive, streamlined method that can assist you to improve team collaboration, project management, and task execution, simultaneously helping you build better relationships with your clients.

Stay afloat with daily tasks, schedules, plans, and ideas, and focus on providing excellent services and creating new business ventures.

PopArt Studio’s project management app is all about simplicity and ease of use, packed in a reliable system that tracks vital metrics essential for project success and client satisfaction.

Feature-packed, informative, intuitive, and beautiful – this is how we would describe PopArt Studio’s project management app concept that you can find and download for free from their Behance profile

Make sure to keep up with the latest trends and do all in your power to make management more streamlined and transparent in your company, thanks to this invaluable project management web app concept.

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