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14 Best Domain Name Generators

Find a quality, brandable domain name for your website using these domain name generators

Domain Name Generators

What Are The Top Domain Name Generators?

Here’s our list of top tools that you can use to find the perfect domain name for your business.

The best domain name generators can help you to find a brandable and unique name for your website.

What’s the formula for the selection of the perfect domain name

Catchy? Check!

Unique? Check!

Short and easy to spell? Check and check!

Ticking all the boxes, however, can be a difficult task. Many of the greatest, most memorable domain names out there are already taken and you’ll have to look for an alternative.

Coming up with an original domain name isn’t an easy task with such a volume already taken.

A bit of inspiration can go a long way if you don’t know how to approach the task.

Domain name generators are powerful tools that give you options on the basis of preferred keywords or phrases.

What is a Domain Name?

We often see people using the terms domain name and URL interchangeably. Both these terms, however, are not the same.

A uniform resource locator or the URL is the address of your website on the internet. This address will direct your users specifically to your website out of the millions of sites that exist in cyberspace. Domain name, on the other hand, is just a part of the URL that tells your users what your website is all about.

The domain name is just a part of the URL of your website that is prefixed by www. and suffixed by .com/.org/.in/.uk or anything similar. The URL for this site is begindot.com. Here only begindot is the domain name. So what does .com mean?

The phrase dotcom (.com) serves as the category of the website. There are several other suffixes that can be used after the domain name.

These suffixes either tell you the category of the site (.com for commercial, .org for non-profit organizations mostly, .edu for educational and so on) or the location of it (.uk for United Kingdom, .in for India etc).

So from the URL of your site, you get to know

  • The description of your site
  • The location or the category of your site

Now that we know what each part of a URL means let us see, why the domain name is the most significant part of the URL for you to mark your presence on the internet.

Importance of Domain Name 

Have you ever wondered how important your Domain Name is for your online presence? Well, let me tell you, that your domain name is the one thing that can make all the difference.

You may often consider choosing your domain name as a step of minor significance, but that one tiny decision can decide whether or not your site can be categorized as a quality site.

The domain name is your unique identity on the internet that reflects the entire agenda of your website. It gives an overview of what your website is all about.

Anyone can make a quick evaluation of your site based on the words that you have on your URL. And depending on this understanding they will decide if they want to visit your site or not.

So it is extremely important that you are very careful when you are choosing the domain name of your website. There are many other reasons why your domain can be an important asset to you.

In the following section, we will also quickly look at what a good domain name is and how you can wisely choose your Domain that will give it the most professional look.

Identity and Ownership

As I have already mentioned, the domain name tells your visitors what your site is about. In other words, it is a quick overview of your site. When people look at your URL they are able to identify what your site is about.

It, therefore, marks your identity, allowing people to know exactly what they will find on your site. It will also help you establish your own identity in cyberspace bringing with it a sense of ownership. It is like having your own home.

Having one’s own domain name also secures future portability. If one decides on a new web host, they can do so freely. If you share it with someone else, one has to let go of the established domain name and start over again with a new name jeopardizing the brand name and losing traffic.

Brand Building and Professionalism

If you are looking to work online with your domain name for the long run, then giving it that professional touch is of major importance. The best thing to do is to personalize it in a way that makes it look like an established brand name.

You surely can not build your brand in a day. But you can definitely work on it from day one, which means the day you choose your domain name. Because your domain will remain with you forever. Choosing a professional domain will enhance your credibility in the internet community.

Your visitors will decide what your site is about on the first visit itself and the domain name will make a huge difference, so make sure you choose it wisely.

For example, you can include your company name to reinforce your brand value. This has an added advantage. You can create awareness about your company with your domain name and people would not have to care what your website’s name is. Remembering one will do both.

Traffic and SEO

A strong domain is very important to let people know about your site. It has the potential to either attract or drive away all your traffic. Domain names play an important role in Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engines are constantly looking for sites that are unique yet relevant at the same time. For that, you need to optimize your domain names for better search results.

Including your keywords in the domain name used to be a good practice earlier to get a better rank in search results. However, things changed later and Google made it clear that they don’t like exact match domain names, quality of your content, and a brandable domain name if the solution.

Have a look at these articles about the domain name and SEO aspect related to that, this one by Search Engine Journal, and here is another by Moz.

What is a Good Domain Name

Now let us see what defines a good domain name. As I have mentioned in the above section, Domain Names help build your brand. So you need to ensure that it is unique, relevant, and at the same time easy to remember.

The second thing, about a good domain name, is that it shouldn’t contain symbols or special characters. Symbols and special characters make it difficult for your visitors to remember your web address. So make sure you avoid using them.

Thirdly, a domain name should have a lasting first impression for any new user, who visits your website. Have brainstorming sessions before shortlisting options, because as the brand grows and diversifies the name should continue to reflect the meaning and the agenda of your site.

The name books.com can seem outdated if the seller wants to sell stationery items in his online book store. So strategize well before you come up with your domain name.

A unique name will help you grow as a brand in the competitive virtual space. It will also build a customer base from word-of-mouth communication, Hollywood actress Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle website Goop, gained immense popularity and curiosity for its unusual yet fun name. Interesting names also become one of the reasons for a site to grow and reach its target audiences.

Generic names such as Interiordesgin.com or readingbooks.com lack lustre. One can also use portmanteau words, as used by Instagram, Pinterest, Snapon, etc. to bring two keywords together.

How to Choose Your Perfect Domain

Words will have an implicit and explicit meaning when used as a domain name. AmazonMechanicalTurk helps you test the popularity and usability of your domain name, by running surveys with diverse sets of people.

There are several sites that you can visit to register, manage, and host domain names. These sites provide you with simple and cost-effective ways to start with having your own domain name.

To clear the air of any confusion and look for new options, I will tell you the names of a few sites that can offer you helpful solutions in a simplified form; sorting names alphabetically, popularity, SEO, new suggestions, etc.

Let’s have a look at the top domain name generators.

Domain Availability Checker by BeginDot

Before you move ahead with the list of domain name generators, don’t forget to check our Domain Availability Checker tool.

You can use this tool for free to check if your favorite domain name is available or not. You can quickly check a domain just by adding it with the extension you wish to register.

For example, begindot.com is registered; so if you check this domain it will show that it is not available to register. Next, you can try by changing the extension such as begindot.org or .net and so on.

If you need a .com domain then you can slightly change the domain name and try it with .com extension.

Domain Availability Checker

1. NameCheap

NameCheap is a popular platform to find and register domain names for businesses. You can register domain names with so many different domain extensions on the Namecheap site.

You can use this platform to find a suitable domain name for your business. It comes with Beast Mode for domain search which makes it super simple for users to find hidden gems when it comes to domain names.

If you wish to acquire the top quality domain for your business or for your domain buying & selling business, the Best Mode by NameCheap is the perfect place to get started.

You can register a domain for a cheaper price on NameCheap as compared to other domain-selling platforms.

NameCheap Domain Generator

2. NameSnack 

NameSnack is a simple business name generator with an easy user interface that you can use to generate names for different purposes.

Be it the domain name for your business or username for your social media account, you can use this tool to find an attractive name.

If you use this tool to search for a domain name, it can instantly display all the relevant domain names that are available to register to make the process easier for users.

NameSnack is completely free to use.


03. InstantDomains

Several characteristics set InstantDomains apart from other market players, turning it into the number-one choice for domain generation.

For a start, you can type a keyword or two and you’ll get information about the available domains that feature your search query. The available extension will also be provided and you can instantly buy the domain name that you like the most.

There are multiple filters you can activate to make the results even more relevant. Try out the industry filter, which is an exclusive InstantDomains functionality.

On top of that, InstantDomains features premium domains for sale, if you want to invest in that extra-special title.

04. LeanDomainSearch

LeanDomainSearch is another excellent choice.

While you don’t get industry filtering, you can sort out recommendations by popularity, length or alphabetical order.

Just like the first entry in the list, LeanDomainSearch gives you a chance to register an available domain immediately.

Keep in mind that LeanDomainSearch only provides .com domain name availability.


05. Domain Wheel

Supposedly, Domain Wheel uses artificial intelligence to give you relevant suggestions. You once again have to enter your keywords or a phrase and you’ll get available domain suggestions on the basis of that information.

Various extensions are examined and if you don’t like any of the suggestions, you’ll also get a random domain name selection that may come close to what you’re looking for.

What Domain Wheel is missing is an option to filter the results or organize them in any way.

Domain Wheel

6. IsItWP

Naming a business without brainstorming is always a hassle. Free business name generator by IsItWP let’s you choose from dozens of names suitable for your business with one click.

You just need to enter an idea for your blog name and the tool will generate dozens of names for you to choose from.

On top of it, you can also register that name right away using their partnership with Bluehost.

Domain name generator

7. Impossibility!

With a fun name like this one, Impossibility! Is also worth a try.

The tool’s design seems a bit outdated and it doesn’t really impress. Impossibility!

However, gives you a chance to choose adjectives, verbs, nouns or letter counts for the beginning of the end of your available domain name suggestion.

Is this filtering option very effective? Probably not but Impossibility! comes with a completely different approach that may get the creative juices flowing.


8. Bust a Name

Bust a Name’s domain maker has some similar features to Impossibility!. You can choose words for the start or the end of your domain name, and you can limit the character count and the extensions.

There’s also a “make a random domain” option if you don’t have specific keywords in mind. While chances are very slim you’ll get exactly what you’re looking for, the tool is fun and you may eventually discover a hidden gem.

Bust a Name

9. Nameboy

The official Nameboy presentation claims it’s the best domain name generator. Compared to other tools out there, however, it misses the mark in a few ways.

Yes, Nameboy is functional and user-friendly. The design of the website is clean but it misses filtering options. Nameboy will appeal to those interested in minimalism.


10. NameStall

The NameStall domain name generator has some filtering capabilities and personalization options.

Just input your keywords and decide if you’d like them to appear at the beginning or the end of the domain name suggestions. You can also select a word group that’s to be used for domain name completion.

Keep in mind this tool allows only five free searches, after which you’ll have to opt for a paid subscription.


11. Panabee

At first glance, Panabee appears pretty simple. All you do is enter your keywords. When you go to the results page, you will get a couple of cool features.

For a start, you can filter the available domain names by extension.

In addition, Panabee gives you a list of related words or phrases that allow you to expand on your original brainstorming. You’ll also get social media profile name suggestions – a cool little perk.

The biggest downside is that you can enter only two keywords for domain name generation.

Panabee blog name generator

12. Name Mesh

Use this tool to check domain name availability, and get permutations and domain name suggestions based on your original input.

The Name Mesh interface looks different from the other tools featured in the list. You will see the available domains organized in several categories – common choices, available domain names that are similar to your input, short, fun, SEO, and premium suggestions.

There have been a few reports about getting false positives. Keep this info in mind when checking for availability.


13. The Shopify Domain Name Generator

One of the biggest eCommerce platforms out there has its own domain name generator.

Business Name Generator by Shopify checks for .com domains and allows you to immediately register those and start a Shopify eCommerce website.

Obviously, this modus operandi is restrictive. Thus, you should only use the tool if you want to start an online business and you want Shopify to be your platform.

Shopify Business Name Generator

14. Name Ideas Generator

NameIdeasGenerator is a very handy tool to find an attractive brand name or domain options. The tool is very simple to use, all you have to do is to enter some keywords related to your business, and we’ll generate tons of creative and unique name ideas for you to choose from.

Once you shortlist a few name ideas, you can check the availability of domains.

Name Idea Generators

FAQs About Domain Generators

Final Verdict

Hopefully, these tools will inspire you and give you the information needed to register the best domain name.

Take some time and don’t rush through the process. A domain name is representative of your business and your brand.

If you are planning to start a new blog and are confused about the domain for your blog, you can use these tools or you can have a look at our comprehensive list of best blog name generators here.

Think about it, do your research, refine your original concept, and register the title when you’re 100 percent confident in its quality.

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