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Based on 60 user reviews, OptinMonster has an overall rating of 4.75 out of 5 stars.


OptinMonster Review (2024): Pricing, Pros & Cons

Increase email opt-in rate by using OptinMonster, one of the most comprehensive solution for email capture

Ease of Use
Value For Money
Customer Support

What is OptinMonster?

OptinMonster is a leading name among lead generation software. It started as a WordPress plugin; later it was extended to all different platforms.

It offers hundreds of ready-to-use templates to help you get started quickly and offers a number of innovative solutions to engage your users and increase conversion on your site.

Along with attractive popups, you can create inline forms, header & footer bars, scroll boxes, and more. And when it comes to the trigger, it offers a number of options to trigger your popup.

Over one million websites are already using the OptinMonster tool to grow their email subscription rate.

We will look at the software and what it has to offer in detail below.

OptinMonster Company Details

Syed Balkhi is a familiar name among WordPress users and the founder of AwesomeMotive the company behind OptinMonster and a number of other WordPress products. OptinMonster was co-founded by Syed and Thomas Griffin in 2013 and became one of the most popular email opt-in software.

Company Name: Retyp, LLC.

CEO Name: Thomas Griffin

Est Year: 2013

Employees: 11-50

HQ Location: Florida, United States

Thomas Griffin OptinMonster
Thomas Griffin
Co-founder & President

OptinMonster Demo & Media

OptinMonster Top Features

Drag and Drop Opt-in Builder
Ready to Use Templates
Modern Popup Designs
Mobile-Friendly Popups
Lightbox Popup
Fullscreen Welcome Mat
Slide-in Scroll Box
Content Locker
Coupon Wheel Optins
Multiple Popup Triggers

Pros of OptinMonster

  • User-friendly drag and drop interface
  • Multiple opt-in types to choose from
  • Create personalized pop-ups
  • Create pop-ups for different objectives
  • Large collection of pre-designed templates
  • A/B Testing for better conversion

Cons of OptinMonster

  • Pop-ups are generally considered annoying
  • No free version
  • Monthly billing

OptinMonster Pricing

OptinMonster offers you a number of different pricing plans. You can choose to depend on the amount of traffic your site receives. The plans start at $9 per month which is billed annually. So, OptinMonster is a great option for smaller as well as big sites that receive tons of traffic.

Here are the pricing plans.

  • Use on 1 Site
  • 2,500 Pageviews
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Unlimited Subscribers
  • No Subscriber Fees
  • Everything in Basic, and
  • Use on 2 Sites
  • 10,000 Pageviews
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Unlimited Subscribers
  • Everything in Plus, and
  • Use on 3 Sites
  • 25,000 Pageviews
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Unlimited Subscribers
  • Everything in Pro, and
  • Use on 5 Sites
  • 100,000 Pageviews
  • Unlimited Campaigns
  • Unlimited Subscribers

OptinMonster Price Comparison

Compare price of OptinMonster With some of the top competitors.
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OptinMonster Alternatives



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User Reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 60 reviews)

Useful software for lead capture

May 25, 2024

Their new custom fields feature was much needed and works nicely. Quite happy with it and styling fields is also much easier and intuitive now. Support is quick to answer and helpful too. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for AndrŽ R.
AndrŽ R.
Review Source: G2

Fantastic Way to Drive Leads

May 25, 2024

OptinMonster is an extremely powerful tool that is great for driving leads or increasing conversions. It is so versatile and offers many display tools to customize your user’s experience. Also easily integrates into many popular CRM’s. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Brandon H.
Brandon H.
Review Source: G2

Best optin software

May 25, 2024

It’s very easy to create optins and share between pages Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Tiina W.
Tiina W.
Review Source: G2

Easy To Keep Communication Lines Open With Slack

May 25, 2024

Working Remotely, slack makes it super easy to communicate, stay connected and share ideas and documents with the rest of my team Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Katie B.
Katie B.
Review Source: G2

Great Lead Generation Software

May 25, 2024

This plugin will offer out of the box integration along with the most popular email marketing services that would make the setup process so simple. On the last version, they added a new feature where you can add the same subscriber to your existing subscriber list and also to a drip campaign. For me, it is very useful. Another good thing is that i can use the same account for all my websites. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Razvan R.
Razvan R.
Review Source: G2

OptinMonster Detail

OptinMonster is an innovative solution to grow email lists. It offers a number of features and options to make sure that you are able to increase the email subscription rate for your site quickly.

Almost all the big marketers, bloggers, and tutorial sites ask people to start creating an email list from the very first day.

Why do we need an email list at all?

The answer is very simple, “money is in the list.”

Now, again this is a popular line that has been written thousands of times to establish the importance of the email opt-in form.

Your email list can send you traffic on demand whenever you need it. You will no longer be dependent on Google to promote your products.

Though SEO can help you to get tons of free traffic. The process takes time. You will have to go step-by-step, create high-quality content, create quality backlinks (avoid black hat SEO) and then wait for your site and articles to get a little older to start receiving good traffic from search engines.

Even if you are doing everything correctly on your site from the SEO perspective, you will not receive overnight traffic.

However, if you have an email list with 100K targeted emails, you will start receiving traffic almost instantly.

So, the ideal way to go about your online business is to, optimize your blog posts for SEO and start collecting emails from the very first day.

Also, as the subscribers of your blog like the kind of content you publish (the reason they give you consent to send emails) the rate of conversion will be higher when you send a custom deal.

All you need is a quality email subscription form on your blog that is placed on the prominent section so that your visitors can see that or a quality popup (a highly converting opt-in type) plugin.

OptinMonster is one of the most popular and widely used email opt-in tools for websites.

You have a simple WordPress plugin that you can easily set up on your WordPress site and start collecting emails.

OptinMonster Review: The Top Features

OptinMonster is a conversion-focused email opt-in service that makes it easy for users to collect emails rapidly with attractive pop-ups and other opt-in types.

After registering on the OptinMonster site, you can signup and generate the API for your site.

The process is simple, go to your account and generate the API key that you will need to link the WordPress plugin with the OptinMonster platform.

Once it is linked through the API key, you can start creating your email opt-in.

Different Opt-in Types

OptinMonster offers you a number of different opt-in types that you can use on your site. In fact, you can have multiple options with different opt-in types targeting different pages on your site.

You can create opt-in for different campaigns targeting different content on your page to increase the conversion.


You can create a

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  • Pop-up form
  • Fullscreen subscription form
  • Slide-in type
  • Floating Bar
  • Inline form

These are the proven highly converting opt-in types that are used by the top authority sites.

Now, let’s select the pop-up opt-in type and move forward.

For each of the opt-in types, you have multiple ready-to-use templates to make the process even gift and quicker.


If you wish to start from scratch, you can do that too and create your design.

Select the template you wish to create a put the details of your site.

Configure Your Email Opt-In Form

In the next step, you will have the option to configure the opt-in email form for your site.

It’s a very simple drag-and-drop editor. You can simply click and edit your form.


Click on any section of the form to edit it. You can design the form with the custom text that you need in the form.

Style Your Pop-Up

You can customize every section of the opt-in form as per your requirements. You can upload your own image; you can set up a custom background for the popup.

You have easy-to-choose color options and border options, you also have the option to add a box shadow.


You have a quick option to add additional fields to your form. You have a number of different layouts to choose from for the additional section.

So, overall, you can easily create a completely custom design for your pop-up even if you have selected a ready template.

Success Message

You can setup a custom message for the users who subscribe to your email. You can have a custom message or redirect them to a custom page to get some freebies just as a thank-you gift.


Display Rules

This is important, the settings on this page will define when the opt-in pop-up appears on your site. The tool gives you a number of different options to choose from.

Time spent on a page

.ugb-5a4beb4 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-5a4beb4.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Time on your site
  • After scroll
  • Just before exit
  • After inactivity
  • On click of a button
  • And more


OptinMonster gives you a very easy option to integrate your opt-in form with any of the leading email service providers in the market.

You can select the option you are using from the dropdown menu and get started.


A/B Split Testing

A/B split testing is very important to increase the overall conversion on your site. OptinMonster offers you a number of different testing options.

You can work around the different designs, different optin types, and different layouts, and you can test almost everything to make sure the conversion is at its peak.

Yes/ No Forms

The Yes/ No forms are very effective in making the best use of your engaged visitors on your site. If a user likes the content on your site, you can set the trigger for a Yes/No form with a custom offer.

It is most likely to convert those visitors into your subscribers. You can probably offer a freebie after the subscription or set up some custom offer for them.


eCommerce Offers

If you are managing an eCommerce site you have amazing custom coupons to offer your visitors, OptinMonster will help you to increase the overall conversion and revenue of your site.

You can create stunning offers that your visitors will not be able to resist. Also, you can target the popup trigger perfectly timed to increase the conversion further.


Final Word

The amount of features OptinMonster offers you, it will easily make up for the cost involved in getting this tool. It can show extremely targeted offers and an email subscription that will surely increase the conversion of your site.

Many times, you have a great offer for your visitors, but they leave your site without even looking at it.

So, why not target those visitors and trigger a custom offer popup just before they plan to leave your site’ I’m sure it will skyrocket the conversion.

If you have a freebie to offer, show a popup with the Yes/No form, who doesn’t like a free gift? You will surely be able to increase the email list for your site way faster than you even imagine if you have the right kind of offers.

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What Kind of Support OptinMonster Offers?

OptinMonster comes with detailed documentation and support to help users around any issues they might have. Depending on the plan you select, you will get standard or priority support.
Email Support
Live Chat
Forum & Ticket
Tutorial Videos & Documentation

OptinMonster FAQs

OptinMonster is a popular lead generation software that you can use to grow your email list quickly. It is a great option for bloggers, marketers, and eCommerce site owners.
No, OptinMonster is a premium product that offers 14 days money-back guarantee.
OptinMonster offers a number of innovative features and options that make it a great choice among the lead generation software. It offers highly structured triggers to increase the conversion rate, features like OnSite Retargeting makes it a great choice.
Exit Intent is a user behavior feature, the system will trigger the email opt-in popup or the offer that you set by using the OptinMonster software just before the users tends to leave the site. So, it will help to increase conversion as well as engagement on your site.

Platforms Supported

Review Method

At BeginDot, we go through each product in detail so that we can prove the most authentic information to our audience. We try the products, go through documentation, do research in user sentiments before adding our final recommendation. 

Affiliate Disclosure: BeginDot is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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