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Based on 15 user reviews, AdPushup has an overall rating of 4.33 out of 5 stars.


AdPushup Review (2024): Pricing, Pros & Cons

AdPushup is a revenue optimization platform that helps web publishers and e-commerce sites increase their ad revenue by optimizing ad placements, layouts, and demand through advanced A/B testing and header bidding technologies.

Ease of Use
Value For Money
Customer Support

What is AdPushup?

AdPushup is a technology-driven company that specializes in optimizing revenue for web publishers and content creators through digital advertising. Established in 2014, AdPushup leverages cutting-edge technology and strategies to manage and optimize advertisements, aiming to increase the revenue generated from these ads, making it a go-to ad revenue optimization platform. With expertise in serving over 4 billion monthly impressions, AdPushup positions itself as a key player in the digital advertising sector, dedicated to maximizing returns for its users through advanced ad management practices.

What is AdPushup Good for?

AdPushup excels at enhancing the monetization of web traffic for publishers and content creators by optimizing ad placements, sizes, and ad units, ensuring an effective ad revenue optimization platform. Its solutions are designed to improve user engagement and ad viewability, leading to higher CPMs (Cost Per mile) and overall revenue. AdPushup is adept at A/B testing, ad layout optimization, header bidding, and adblock recovery, making it particularly beneficial for publishers looking to optimize their ad revenue without compromising user experience.

Who Should Use AdPushup?

AdPushup is ideally suited for web publishers, bloggers, and content creators who seek to maximize their advertising revenue while maintaining a positive user experience on their sites. Digital media companies, e-commerce platforms, and anyone with a significant online presence can benefit from AdPushup’s revenue optimization services. The platform is particularly beneficial for publishers with high traffic volumes who wish to leverage advanced ad tech solutions to increase their ad revenue efficiently, demonstrating how to work with AdPushup effectively.

AdPushup Company Details

AdPushup, Inc., established in 2014 by CEO Ankit Oberoi, is a specialized firm dedicated to revenue optimization for its clientele. Operating from its headquarters in Delaware, AdPushup, Inc. has made significant strides in the digital advertising industry by controlling over 4 billion monthly impressions. This achievement highlights its substantial impact and relevance in the sector, showcasing the crucial role of the AdPushup team in supporting publishers and content creators. The company employs a workforce of 101-250 individuals, all committed to developing and implementing innovative solutions designed to enhance the advertising experiences for their users. With its founding vision focused on maximizing returns for advertisers, AdPushup, Inc. remains a vital player in the digital advertising ecosystem, continually pushing the boundaries of advertising technology.

Company Name: AdPushup, Inc.

CEO Name: Ankit Oberoi

Est Year: 2014

Employees: 101-250

HQ Location: AdPushup

Ankit Oberoi CEO
Ankit Oberoi
Founder & CEO

AdPushup Demo & Media

AdPushup Top Features

Optimize your Ad Revenue
Recover Ad-blocked Revenue
Certified Google Publishing Partner
Highly-viewable Formats
Improve Click Through Rate
Blazing Fast Ad Delivery

Pros of AdPushup

  • 50+ Premium advertising exchanges
  • Better ad visibility
  • High-converting ad formats
  • Improved CPM and revenue
  • Recover Ad-blocked revenue
  • Comprehensive A/B testing

Cons of AdPushup

  • Your site needs $5000+ in revenue to get approved

AdPushup Pricing

AdPushup comes with flexible revenue-sharing plans customized to your needs. There is no fixed pricing.

AdPushup Price Comparison

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AdPushup Alternatives



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User Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 13 reviews)

Great ad partner

May 25, 2024

We moved to Adpushup as our Google ad partner almost a year ago, and it has been a great experience so far. We are getting better yield, we have more control over the inventory, and above all, the service and responsiveness from the team is far beyond what we have seen from any other previous network or service provider in this area. Very happy so far. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Johan G.
Johan G.
Review Source: G2

Recommended by small, growing publisher

May 25, 2024

AdPushup is a turn-key option for publishers who want to focus on content while true pros handle all aspects of ad sales and placement. Clients are paired with a dedicated, highly-responsive account management team who learn about the publisher’s product, identify opportunities, and promptly respond to correspondence. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Tim H.
Tim H.
Review Source: G2

Impactful and supportive for our website

May 25, 2024

One of the most agile team in support and onboarding process. The team is very supportive and always available for any query. The service itself has been very beneficial for us financially. Our rev numbers have been increased in past one year. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Ali R.
Ali R.
Review Source: G2

Effective Ad Management Company

May 25, 2024

Adpushup provides efficient ad management. They are dependable in taking action when needed. Their website is easy to use when creating ad tags. When we moved our websites to single page applications (Microsoft Blazor), Adpushup was supportive and their tags were easy to implement. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for William K.
William K.
Review Source: G2

GlobalRPH review of Adpushup

May 25, 2024

The best feature of Adpushup is its ability to diagnose and resolve any sort of ad serving or ad tech related problem. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Barron H.
Barron H.
Review Source: G2

AdPushup Detail

AdPushup is an ad network with advanced revenue optimization features such as ad layout optimization, header bidding, innovative ad formats (including native), ad mediation, adblock recovery, and AMP conversion.

The platform helps publishers to create a high-converting layout for their ads by using automated A/B testing features. From speed optimization to pushing up the revenue, AdPushup handholds you to grow your business.

AdPushup is a Microsoft-funded ad tech venture and a Google NPM partner bestowed with multiple recognitions including the NASSCOM EMERGE 50 award. They have demand partnerships with top-tier networks and exchanges like Google AdX, AppNexus, Rubicon, and Crite, among others.

For publishers who make a revenue of a minimum $5000 a month, AdPushup is the most effective way for them to further optimize their ad revenue. In this article, we will look at what AdPushup has to offer to bloggers and publishers.

“Adpushup helps publishers uplift their ad revenue by 33% by using advanced ad revenue optimization technology. Our mission is to help keep the world’s information free and accessible.”

AdPushup increases the visibility of ads by optimizing ad layout to increase overall ad revenue.

Advantages of AdPushup

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  • Quick and easy setup
  • Better user experience
  • Improved ad visibility
  • High click-through rates
  • Increased eCPMs
  • Innovative ad formats
  • Automated A/B testing
  • Access to top demand partners

USPs of AdPushup

These days, most users are immune to ads. Hence, low click-through rates (CTRs) is a harsh reality for publishers. There could be many reasons why your ads may not be converting. Poor ad layout and placements are one of them.

Optimize Your Ad Layouts

Visual Ad Manager: The visual ad manager is created for publishers who lack programming knowledge. You can create sophisticated ad layouts as per your website’s existing design using the point-click-and-create system.

The visual ad manager also makes it easy for you to design personalized ad layouts while allowing you to make quick edits/updates whenever you require.

Automated A/B Testing: A/B testing is an integral part of conversion optimization. You can increase the revenue from your ads with the same amount of traffic if you are able to manage and monitor other important parameters.

AdPushup’s A/B testing constantly tests among different ad sizes, types, placements, color combinations, and other parameters that you can experiment with. The end goal is to ensure you have top converting setup for your ads.

Deep Personalization: User experience and personalization are important factors in online business. AdPushup makes sure you deliver top-converting ad layouts without disrupting the experience.

It displays highly-personalized ads that match specific audience segments differentiated by parameters like platform, browser, geography, and others to maximize yield.

Compare Ad Setups: AdPushup allows you to convert your existing ad layout in to a control setup which is used to generate more accurate and live performance reports. The setup lets you compare the performance of old ad layout with a new ad layout.

Fight Banner Blindness: There are factors such as ad blindness and ad blockers that affect CTRs to a large extent. AdPushup fights to improve ad viewability to nullify these roadblocks and make sure you receive a better CTR for your ads.

Autoanalysis Engine: AdPushup works behind-the-scenes to make sure the ad placement within the content is perfect and improves both user experience as well as revenue. You don’t have to place your ads manually into your content.

You can simply define the parameters to serve in-content ads and the system will work to find the most effective in-content ad placement locations. There are plugins that can help you insert ads automatically within text paragraphs.

However, in most cases, the random ad placements affect the user experience.

Optimize Your Ads by the Device

Ad Pushup Ad Formats

According to Statista, in 2018, 52.2% of global website traffic was generated through mobile. In the first quarter of 2019, the mobile traffic share stood at 48.71%. Therefore, optimizing ads for mobile has been more important than ever.

AdPushup helps you perfectly optimize your ads depending on the device type so that you don’t lose revenue. It offers an ad gallery to view and understand how the ads will be placed and how they will look on different devices.

Also, AdPushup’s Demand Optimization works to display high-yielding ads replacing by giving you access to the top global campaigns.

Experiment with Multiple Ad Formats

According to SmartInsights, the average display ad CTR for all ad formats and placements is a mere 0.05%. As a solution, AdPushup offers a suite of Innovative Ad Formats to help publishers attain higher CTRs.

In-Image ads: This is an innovative format where the system scans your content and adds contextual ads for better relevance.

Sticky Ads: Sticky Ads have been around for some time and they really work. With this ad format, the chances of conversion increase as your ads are constantly seen by the users, no matter how much they scroll towards the bottom.

In-view Ads: These ads remain dormant within the content and media until the user interacts with the page. They expand themselves only when users scroll down to the section where these ads are actually placed.

Docked Ads: These are similar to Sticky ads, however, they are not fixed to a specific location. They get triggered when users scroll down the page beyond them and become sticky.

Harness the Potential of AMP

adsense-mobile ads

Most publishers are aware of the AMP technology. Google supports this tech to leverage the quick loading of web pages on mobile devices. AMP improves the overall user experience in terms of site speed and performance.

However, the revenue might get impacted if the ads are not properly optimized for AMP.

AdPushup makes it simple by offering custom implementation of Accelerated Mobile Pages. AMP results in a minimized load time which leads to a better ad viewability score.

Moreover, AMP web pages have a competitive SEO advantage in search engines and is an ideal solution for publishers who struggle with high abandonment rates and low ad revenue on mobile devices.

Ad Mediation

Ad Mediation

Ad Mediation is a great offering by AdPushup that helps you get a better yield from closed and non-RTB ad networks (where real-time auctions don’t exist).

Ad mediation categorizes website traffic in over 600 audience segments based on country, device, data, and others to get historical performance data.

AdPushup processes traffic data with over fifteen parameters to check which network is the best fit for the ad impression. Although this system runs automatically, users get the option to manually override it with their preferences.

Get the Best Bid For Your Ads

High Bid

AdPushup’s Header Bidding solutions help you open up your inventory to multiple demand partners in real-time. Their header bidding technology is backed by optimization features using data science and machine learning in order to maximize your ad yield.

It gives you a simple solution to get the highest returns by allowing multiple partners to bid simultaneously. You also get the option to invite your preferred partners to bid along with the open fellow bidders.

Key features of header bidding:

  1. Demand partner selection
  2. Smart timeout management
  3. Bring your own demand
  4. Native demand integration
  5. Bid monitoring & discrepancy resolution
  6. Multi-ad size support

Recover Lost Ad Revenue


Every year, publishers lose an ample amount of revenue to ad blockers. They are one of the main roadblocks for publishers. There are many plugins and scripts that are available in the market to fight them. But ad blockers quickly learn about them and get immune.

AdPushup came up with pro-user ad-reinsertion technology that helps publishers recover lost revenue without disrupting the user experience.

Another advantage is that AdPushup offers complete reporting on the revenue loss due to the ad blockers, and the revenue recovered from those ads.

Get Started With 2-step Onboarding

As a publisher, you don’t require technical knowledge to get started with AdPushup. Here’s how the AdPushup onboarding works:

1. Sign in to your AdPushup console to ‘Add your website.’

2-step Onboarding

2. Insert the code snippet in your website header and ‘Save’ it.

AdPushup Onboarding

Plugins like WordPress Insert Headers and Footers can make the code implementation simple for you to get started right away.

Get the Data You Want

User Dashboard

Once your setup is running and there’s substantial data collected, your ad impressions and revenue starts populating the dashboard. This window gives you a performance overview of the websites you’ve added to your AdPushup console.  

AdPushup Report

Next, the reporting creates a repository of data that matters to you as a publisher. It gives you ad reports containing performance-measurement metrics like ad impressions, CPMs, and revenue received from each ad variation.

Going deep, you can fetch network-wise or parameter-wise reports by choosing the options present in the dropdown menu options. With the most crucial data at your fingertips, you can find what works and what not; or keep testing until you get the best returns.

Get the Support You Need

AdPushup is a managed-service. Meaning, you do not need to do the legwork to manage your ad operations.

AdPushup assigns a dedicated account manager to every publisher so that you don’t have to worry about any technical issue or support. So, you can surely trust their services and get on board.

Final Word

If you look around in ad tech forums, online communities, and other discussions, you will find that some folks make good revenue from the same amount of traffic, while some find it difficult to monetize their traffic.

For the latter, AdPushup helps publishers grow their ad revenue by continuous testing, monitoring, reporting, and many more features, backed by dedicated support.

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What Kind of Support AdPushup Offers?

AdPushup educates its users through multiple channels such as webinars, blog articles, case studies, courses, and more. You may also get in touch with the team if you need any help.
Email Support
Tutorial Videos & Documentation

AdPushup FAQs

Yes, AdPushup is legitimate and works with publishers to provide optimal ad management solutions and increase ad revenue. Founded in 2014 by CEO Ankit Oberoi, AdPushup specializes in ad revenue optimization, serving over 4 billion monthly impressions, and has built a reputation in the digital advertising industry.
AdPushup is considered worth paying for by many publishers due to its effective revenue optimization tools and services, including ad management and ad block solutions, which aim to maximize ad revenues. With a significant client base and substantial monthly impression numbers, its effectiveness is well-documented.
AdPushup provides integrations with various other software, including popular ad networks, analytics tools, and content management systems, facilitating seamless operation within existing digital ecosystems.
Yes, AdPushup is compatible with various web platforms, making it a versatile choice for publishers looking to help publishers maximize their ad revenue. It offers solutions tailored for different website architectures, ensuring a broad range of content management systems and web technologies can leverage its ad optimization services, including the use of a comprehensive dashboard for monitoring performance.
The prerequisites for utilizing AdPushup include having an operational website or digital platform with sufficient web traffic, and the desire to optimize advertising revenue. No specific technical prerequisites are mentioned, indicating a focus on accessibility for a wide range of users looking to benefit from AdPushup’s ad revenue optimization platform.
Sectors including online publishing, e-commerce, and content-driven websites stand to gain from employing AdPushup, a critical ad revenue optimization platform designed to boost profits. Its services are designed to maximize ad revenue, making it beneficial for any sector looking to enhance digital advertising income.
Successfully adding AdPushup to a website or application typically involves integrating its services with the site’s existing infrastructure. This process may require a minimal technical implementation, such as adding a script to the website’s code or utilizing a plugin for specific content management systems, to effectively integrate AdPushup ad units.

Platforms Supported

Review Method

At BeginDot, we go through each product in detail so that we can prove the most authentic information to our audience. We try the products, go through documentation, do research in user sentiments before adding our final recommendation. 

Affiliate Disclosure: BeginDot is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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