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ClickStar.Me (2023): Top Features & Pricing

A very handy push notification ad network that you can use to make money & to advertise

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ClickStar Overview

A detailed ClickStar review. It allows publishers and advertisers to create push notifications for their content or products. Push notification ads are growing in popularity, as they offer a more personal way of interacting with consumers than email marketing or social media channels. 

ClickStar has been around since 2019 and has emerged as one of the most reliable and popular push notification ads for advertisers and publishers.

ClickStar Top Features

  • Effective push notification
  • Highly targeted traffic
  • Intuitive Platform
  • Deep targeting
  • Make regular income as a publisher
  • Daily payout processed

Push notifications are becoming increasingly popular because they can deliver personalized messages to users when they’re not actively engaged in other activities on their device.

In the online world of the push notification advertising network market, ClickStar has been making a lot of buzz in recent times for all kinds of online marketers.

Here’s a detailed review of ClickStar push notification ad network that will help you understand the platform, how ClickStar works, and whether this application would be a good fit for your business needs in the long run. Review

ClickStar Review: How Much Money Can You Make?

Now comes one of the most asked questions for any push ad network in the world: how much can you earn for your venture with ClickStar?

It is hard to find a reliable push notification ads service that will provide you with excellent performance and payout well. This is where things get interesting with ClickStar!

For the online ventures and platforms getting around or over 5000 visitors in a single day, you are eligible to make a good earning of anything between $30 and $100/day. This count of visitors would start after one month of placing the advertising code from ClickStar.

Here are a few other things you need to know before you start planning about your earnings with the ClickStar push ad network. The platform demands you to collect a reasonable amount of time from you so that you can collect your push-subscription base. 

Push notification ads are mostly seen by people in their mobile devices, and for this reason, it is important to maintain the optimization of the webpage for both desktop and mobile screens.

Also, the numbers shown here for your daily earnings are only approximate and not at all fixed in any way. Your final earnings depend upon a number of different things and benchmarks, such as the kind and type of traffic you receive on your online platform. 

Another important factor for estimating your earning and numbers is the category of your product, project, or website service that you are offering.

For example, if you are a new website or blog with limited traffic, then your earnings will also be limited, even with ClickStar push notification ads network.

For this reason, it is always good for newer sites to start small in order not to make mistakes and lose money by buying too many ads.

ClickStar Review: How It Works?

ClickStar is a type of online marketing medium that can be used to reach your target audience worldwide in a very informative way.

This allows adverts and marketers to send notifications to their target audience easily. These notifications include many things that you can use to attract the attention of your audiences, such as a coupon or exclusive offers. 

ClickStar sends these notifications straight to the phones and tablets of people who have downloaded an app for one of your products or services to keep them updated with new information about different products.

The services of ClickStar are not only for the advertisers but also for the publishers who can benefit from them by getting more installs and new followers on social media websites like Instagram and Facebook with the help of push notifications to their mobile phones. 

Publishers get paid every time people install one of your apps, purchasing a product, making a visit, or so on after clicking a notification sent by ClickStar.

Push notification ads are a great way to get your message across and keep it fresh in people’s minds. 

If you’ve been running any kind of campaign on social media, for example, then use these ads to send reminders about the offer or event. ClickStar is a good idea if you want to bring attention to a new app or game you’ve released.

If your message is short, then use text and images in the push notification ads for publishers to keep it engaging.

If you need more space for graphics or video content, then try using an interactive ad with a call-to-action button that enables people to give feedback on your ads and notifications.

ClickStar Review: The Top Features

ClickStar, unlike many other push notification ad networks, offers a ton of different features for all kinds of business needs. Here are the ones you need to know:

ClickStar Ad Network Features

Deep Targeting for Push Notifications:

Keep your messages fresh and keep people engaged by personalizing the content of your notifications. 

You can send push notification ads to users based on their interests, events they’ve attended in the past, and other data points you have collected about them from Facebook or any other platform. 

This way, your audience will feel like they are getting valuable and resourceful content in the push notifications.

Auto Conversion Tracking:

All of ClickStar’s push notifications are tracked using auto conversion tracking, and this is an excellent way to make sure that you know the exact ROI for every single campaign. 

You can also track your open rates, click-through rates, impressions, and other metrics to see how well each notification performs over time. 

Tracking your conversion allows you to make better decisions, optimize your campaigns, and get more conversions, which can help you become much more successful in your exciting niche.

Monetize Any Site with ClickStar Push Notification Ads:

This is one of the most exciting features that you can use with ClickStar, and it allows you to monetize any site, blog, or newsletter right from your dashboard! 

This feature allows you to look at each notification campaign on its own by letting you see how much money has been generated and empowering all kinds of business setups to make money online.

This is one of the more fantastic ways to make money for all business types by allowing people on your site or blog to subscribe and receive notifications from companies. 

Not only can this provide an excellent source of additional income but also allow you to monetize any site that has traffic to generate revenue with push notification ads!


Our insightful and hands-on review of ClickStar ends right here! ClickStar caters to the needs of all kinds of advertisers. For the ones starting off their online money-making journey, ClickStar is worth a try.

ClickStar Pricing

The pricing will depend on your requirement.

ClickStar FAQs

Q1. What is ClickStar?

ClickStar is a push notification ad network that you can use for advertise your product or to make money as a publisher.

02. What is Push Notification?

Push Notifications are small popup notifications that appear on the screen. Push Notifications are considered as highly effective ad formats that convert well.

03. How Much Can I Earn Through ClickStar?

The revenue depends on a number of factors. However, as described by the ClickStar platform you can make around $30-$100 per day of you receive a traffic of around 5000 visitors a day.

04. Can I Buy Traffic from ClickStar Platform?

Yes, you can. Start by signing up on the platform and create your campaign.

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