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Based on 128 user reviews, PromoRepublic has an overall rating of 4.75 out of 5 stars.


PromoRepublic Review (2024): Pricing, Pros & Cons

Ease of Use
Value For Money
Customer Support

What is PromoRepublic?

If you are serious about social media marketing for your business, you must know about PromoRepublic. This is a social media marketing platform with over 100,000 post ideas and templates to choose from.

You can use PromoRepublic to design your posts and schedule your posting. So, in a way, this tool will completely automate the process of social media marketing for your brand.

This all-in-one social media marketing platform can be your best friend as far as managing your important social media accounts is concerned.

If you are already active doing social media posting for your business, you’re probably aware that the more you are active on the social platform the more engagement and traffic you get around your brand.

However, if you do not have a big team to manage all the social media activities, it gets really difficult to manage them properly.

Think of a blogger or a small-scale digital marketing agency with limited team members; it is not possible to be active on all the social media platforms while you are busy creating content for your site, managing SEO, and all different activities.

So, you will certainly need the help of good quality social media marketing tools like PromoRepublic to manage and be active on the social media platforms, because in today’s scenario you can’t ignore social media.

While there are a number of social media scheduling tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, and other similar tools, PromoRepublic is able to create its own space in the social media marketing niche because unlike many of those well-known names PromoRepublic is a complete solution that offers content ideas, content designing tool as well as scheduling platform.

So, you don’t have to use or need a second tool to manage your social media activities.

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PromoRepublic Review

Here are the top features of PromoRepublic social media management platform

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  • Over 100k post ideas
  • Built-in graphics editor
  • Multiple social media account management
  • Thousands of ready to use templates
  • Multiple users from your team
  • Auto-posting on social media sites
  • Smart post scheduling option
  • Thousands of free to use stock images
  • Complete social media statistics
  • Monitor brand mentions
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PromoRepublic is good for any kind of business is it a simple blog or a digital marketing agency, you are sure to get great value for your money.

When it comes to social media marketing, time is one of the key factors. Now, when we talk about time, it is involved in two aspects the first is the amount of time that you need to spend in order to create a popular social media brand and another one is the time that you spend creating the content for your social media account.

PromoRepublic will take care of both of these time-related aspects by offering you the tools to schedule your posts and eliminate the requirement of time that you spend every single day posting your content. And secondly, the thousands of ready-to-use post templates will help you to create your content in a few minutes.

Before we proceed with the review further and heck the dashboard and features in detail, here are some numbers that speak volumes.

As you can see, PromoRepublic is already being used by thousands of users from across the world and it is growing constantly. You can start your journey now.

Link on the link below and start your 14 days free trial. No obligation, no credit card required.

How PromoRepublic Works

Once you start your trial and login to your account. You will be redirected to the dashboard where you can start creating your posts.

Here is how the dashboard looks like

PromoRepublic Dashboard

As you see in the image above, you get the option to connect your social media profiles so that you can publish your content directly or schedule them to publish in the future.

Creating a Post

Now, to create a new post, you can click on the (+) that appears when you hover over any day of the week or go to the post editor. Once you click on that, you will get the post type options to select.

Here you can upload your own images/gifs or video and start editing or you can directly click on the create image option and go to the editor.

Creating a Post

The PromoRepublic Editor

If you have used tools like Canva already, you will be familiar with the editing interface. It is similar to Canva just the placement of tools is different.

PromoRepublic Editor

You have the option to select the post type at the top. As different social media platforms have different dimensions of the posts, here you can select the platform that you intend to post and get started.

Select Post Type

Post Ideas by PromoRepublic

The Post Ideas by PromoRepublic is one of the key selling aspects. There are thousands of post ideas that you can use for the quick growth of your social following.

Post Ideas by PromoRepublic

If you look at Instagram marketing or for Pinterest the posts with quotations are very popular. In fact, there are examples of businesses that created millions of followers only by posting quotations.

If if you don’t have attractive images to post on your Instagram profile, why not start posting quotations. PromoRepublic offers you a huge list of post ideas related to quotations to start with.


Schedule Your Post

Once you are done designing your post, you can use the schedule post option to post it automatically at the time you have set. So, in a week or a month, you can spend some time scheduling your posts so that you don’t have to keep posting every single day manually.

Schedule Your Post

White Label Social Media Management Platform For Agencies

Using PromoRepublic‘s White label social media management platform is a great option for social media agencies to create their own social media platform with tools and services.

This option will help you to white label the tools and services offered by PromoRepublic with your own logo and details

So, rather than creating your own set of tools, spending months on the development as well as thousands of dollars, why not use this ready option.

branded tool
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PromoRepublic Company Details

PromoRepublic Demo & Media

PromoRepublic Top Features

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Pros of PromoRepublic

Cons of PromoRepublic

PromoRepublic Pricing

PromoRepublic Price Comparison

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User Reviews

4.8 out of 5 stars (based on 127 reviews)

The most advantageous tool I've ever used

May 25, 2024

The best thing about PromoRepublic is their content library. They have so many cool hand-crafted templates for social media. Especially I enjoy their updates to different holidays. I don’t need to pay for additional tools and photostocks. I can manage multiple social media accounts in a single calendar. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Nandini P.
Nandini P.
Review Source: G2

Social Media Management Made Easy

May 25, 2024

Not only does the software tell me when the best times to post are, but also they types of content to post. Their templates are easy to modify and make your own without being a designer. Plus. they offer good insights into the post performance. Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Rebecca B.
Rebecca B.
Review Source: G2

Just love this tool!

May 25, 2024

1. schedule the posts is soooo easy. By date, by week etc. 2. easy to adjust the pics. Add my logo for example. Add some text. 3. massive database of suggested posts. Pics, Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Vincent d.
Vincent d.
Review Source: G2

I am glad we replaced few tools with PromoRepublic

May 25, 2024

We love that PromoRepublic has all we need for social media management and even more – in addition to automatic scheduling to 5 main social channels and content planning features, we now have access to a huge library of 100K post ideas and creatives. Plus we can easily collaborate with content marketers within PromoRepublic, that’s sweet! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Eliza S.
Eliza S.
Review Source: G2

great tool and great support !

May 25, 2024

Promo Republics allows me to prepare and schedule posts to social media – I personally use Twitter and LinkedIn only but there are Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest too. I spend a couple of hours every week and I fill my publication agenda with ready-made posts (great !) and some designs of my own. There are thousands of pictures and shapes to chose from to design a post, and very convenient and easy to use tools to manipulate the pictures (blur background, add text, change brightness and contrast settings, etc). I had to ask for support in a couple of instances (general “how do I” questions) and support has always been fast, courteous and efficient. Thumbs up ! Review collected by and hosted on G2.com.

Avatar for Serge C.
Serge C.
Review Source: G2

What Kind of Support PromoRepublic Offers?

PromoRepublic FAQs

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Platforms Supported

Review Method

At BeginDot, we go through each product in detail so that we can prove the most authentic information to our audience. We try the products, go through documentation, do research in user sentiments before adding our final recommendation. 

Affiliate Disclosure: BeginDot is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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