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15 Best Minecraft Server Hosting (Cheaper Options)

If you are looking for the top Minecraft Server Hosting options, we have listed some quality and affordable options that you can try.

Minecraft Server Hosting

What Are The Best Minecraft Server Hosting Options?

So here’s the list of best Minecraft server hostings that are fast, reliable, and affordable. 

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Before checking the complete list of Minecraft Server Hosting, here are the featured options.
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If you’re looking for the best Minecraft server hosting, we have listed the top options in this article.

As a Minecraft lover, you would always want to have — fast, reliable, and affordable Minecraft server hosting.  Well with a plethora of Minecraft server hosting available — how do you pick the right one? It’s like picking a needle in a haystack. 

When choosing a Minecraft server hosting you need to be careful as there are various important aspects you should look at before getting started. Some of the aspects are — processor, memory, uptime, storage type (SDD), server location, and support. 

It’s not that easy for you to do the research all by yourself and find the right Minecraft server hosting.

Therefore, we have done the hard work for you and featured a handpicked list of the best Minecraft server hosting. All the hosting listed here is approved by heavy gamers all over the world. 

Without further ado let’s get started. 

1. Shockbyte


Shockbyte is the best Minecraft server hosting available which is reliable and affordable starting at $2.50. 

It is an established game hosting company that started back in 2013 renting gaming servers.  Needless to say, they are experienced with gaming hosting and it offers the setup for a number of games including Minecraft. 

For the Minecraft games, they basically support Java and the Bedrock games version. The best part, Shockbyte comes with various perks such as — instant setup, all Modpacks, NVMe SSD Storage, and unlimited bandwidth. What’s more, it also offers full FTB access. 

Moreover, the plans of Shockbyte are flexible and affordable and built for all kinds of needs. They also guarantee — DDOS protection, 100% uptime, always online support, free subdomains, cross-device compatibility, and so on. Overall, it’s the most recommended Minecraft server hosting available. 

Key Features:

.ugb-8394c3a li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-8394c3a.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Full FTP access
  • 100% uptime guarantee
  • Provides automatic backups
  • Server console and free MySQL DB
  • Offers dedicated IP support
  • Automatics backups, and DDoS protection
  • It has 24/7 reliable customer support to solve issues
  • Instant activation of servers right after the subscription

Pricing: Shockbyte comes with different pricing plans, the Dirt Plan starts at $2.50/month with 1GB RAM and 8+ slots, the Sand Plan costs $5.0/month with 2GB RAM and 16+ slots.

Well, there are other custom plans available to choose from such as Spartan Plan with 10 GB RAM costing $25/mo, Zeus plan with 12 GB RAM costing $30/month, and the titan plan with 16GB RAM costing $40/month. 


2. Apex Hosting


Apex is a pioneer Minecraft server hosting that is experienced with Minecraft servers of all sizes.

Apex provides an unlimited number of options to create Minecraft servers of your dreams. The best part, Apex Hosting has over 300,000 Minecraft servers and has the best support in the industry. 

The Minecraft servers of Apex hosting come with elite hardware such as — high-clock speed CPUs, SSD hard drives.

This robust hardware infrastructure provides high TPS and lag-free servers for a smooth and lag-free gaming experience. It also comes with a powerful cPanel where you can control your game server simply on their custom web-based Multicraft 2.0 panel. 

Once you choose your plan and get started the servers of Apex hosting are automatically provisioned. That means you will get instant setups without any complicated process involved.

It also provides one-click Modpacks which means you can install and play the best Modpacks with a click of a button. Moreover, it also provides offsite automated backups that guarantee the safety of your data. 

Key features:

.ugb-abedf28 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-abedf28.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • One-click Modpacks — install right away
  • It provides offsite automated backups 
  • Provides a seven days money-back guarantee on all plans.
  • Servers are set up instantly after the purchase in seconds. 
  • It has ultra-low data latency to provide a hassle-free experience.
  • 24/& server & support provided with a 24/7 live chat.
  • All the plans of Apex hosting come with a free subdomain for your server
  • Networks are fully secured and keep your server online with 24/7 uptime. 
  • A powerful Panel that helps you control your game servers easily. 

Pricing: Apex Hosting comes with a flexible yet a bit expensive pricing structure. The base plan starts at $7.49/month with 2GB RAM, basic servers, and some Modpacks.

The high-end plan costs $37.49/month with 10GB RAM, basic servers, and all Modpacks. 


3. Hostinger


Hostinger is a well-known hosting provider famous for providing affordable hosting servers.

Well, Hostinger also comes with reliable and affordable Minecraft server hosting with instant setup and unlimited storage. With Hostinger you will get fully customizable Minecraft servers along with a VPS pre-configured for Minecraft. 

Hostinger Minecraft server hosting is easy to set up, you can use the game panel to set up your servers in minutes. All the Minecraft hosting of Hostinger comes with full root access and a flexible daemon to help you add/remove any mods/plugins.

To keep you up and running they use fast SSDs with the lasted Xenon processors and with terabytes of SSD disk space.

The Minecraft hosting of Hostinger includes VPS Hosting plan that is packed with dedicated IPv6 and IPv4 PP addresses.

Also, you will also get top-level enterprise data backups with a cloud-based VPS and doubled RAID protection. All the plans come with pre-installed mods that you can easily add/remove at any time. 

Key Features:

.ugb-0472925 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-0472925.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Full root access
  • 99.99% Uptime SLA
  • Pre-installed Modpacks and plugins
  • It has dedicated IPv4 and IPv6. 
  • DDoS protection and PCI-DSS Compliant
  • Provides automatic off-site backups
  • Fast SSDs with Intel Xenon Processors with terabytes of SSD disk space. 

Pricing: The base Alex plan of Hostinger costs $8.95/month for 2GB RAM and 2 vCPU Hardware. The Village Plan costs $12.95/month for 3GB RAM and 3 vCPU Hardware.

The high-end wolf plan costs $77.99/month for 16GB RAM and 8 vCPU Hardware. All the plan comes with a 30 days money-back guarantee. 


4. BisectHosting


BisectHosting is the best-in-class Minecraft server hosting available. They are dedicated to making your Minecraft and server hosting experience easy and affordable.

The BisectHosting has multiple Minecraft servers in 8 different locations all over the globe. It features unlimited slots which means you can adjust the number of players to whatever you need.  

All the plan comes with a free dedicated IP with a port 25565 by default. All the game servers of BisectHosting used NVMe or SSDs. Moreover, they also provide DDoS protection.

If somehow the server gets attacked, they have got you covered with free DDoS protection. The perks of BiscetHosting is you will get free Modpack installation, they just install any certain Modpack you wish — free of charge.

What’s more, you will also get a free subdomain for all of their Java Minecraft customers.  With all Minecraft server plans, you get free daily backups that take backup of your entire servers and folders. You also get a feature-rich and easy-to-use control panel where you can manage all your stuff. 

Key Features:

.ugb-96b7cbe li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-96b7cbe.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Free unlimited slots
  • Free dedicated IPs
  • It has DDoS protection
  • State-of-the-art 24/7 support
  • Free Modpack installation
  • Provides free full FTP Access
  • Fast NVMe and solid-state drives
  • You will also get  a free sub-domain
  • All the plan comes with free daily backups and a control panel

Pricing: BisectHosting comes with a flexible pricing structure. The budget base plan costs $2.99/month for 12 slots, 1 GB RAM, and unlimited bandwidth.

The premium base plan costs $7.99/month for unlimited slots, 1 GB RAM, and unlimited bandwidth. There are various plans available to choose from. 


5. ScalaCube


ScalaCube is another reliable Minecraft server hosting that is fast, flexible, and affordable. The best part about ScaleCube hosting is — it allows one-click installation for over 1000 unique Modpacks. 

Setting up ScalaCube hosting is a snap, it comes with a one-click setup. Using the easy control panel you can make your own Minecraft server. Within the control panel your choose from multiple servers and unlimited slots on one VPS server. Like other reliable Minecraft server hosting, ScalaCube also provides automated off-site backups. 

One thing you should be aware of is — ScalaCube offer VPS servers with a restricted amount of resources — memory, CPU, and disk space.

However, the server seamlessly supports a large number of players as long as there is enough RAM and CPU available. The best part, ScalaCube also actively monitors for DDoS attacks. If they found even the slightest small attack they take necessary steps to mitigate the attack. 

Key Features:

.ugb-96f8afb li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-96f8afb.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Unlimited Slots
  • Multiple server locations
  • Ultra-low latency
  • Provodes DDoS protection
  • 24/7 servers & support
  • Gives Full File Access
  • Plugin/Mod support 
  • Free domain and free MySQL
  • It also offers free web hosting
  • Instant setup and automated backups provided

Pricing: The base plan of ScalaCube costs $2.50/mo for 768 RAM and 10 player slots, 10 GB SSD storage. The high-end plan of ScaleCube costs $96/month for 32GB RAM and 600 player slots, 320 GB SSD storage, and so on. 


6. Nodecraft

Nodecraft is another affordable Minecraft server hosting. It provides you with affordable access to the best Minecraft hosting services. The best part, it comes with a custom NodePanel 2 interface that makes it super easy to get started. 

The Minecraft server hosting setup of Nodecraft is easy, snap, and instant. With the help of an instant setup, you can get up and running your Minecraft server in minutes.

Well, you also have the option to easily create — modded servers, install Modpacks, install plugins, and change configurations. 

What’s more, Nodecraft also comes with robust mobile apps for both iOS and Android devices. Using mobile apps you can easily manage the Minecraft game hosting from your phone. You also get bleeding-edge hardware for extra-low latency with secure DDoS protection. 

Key Features:

.ugb-efc8bb6 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-efc8bb6.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • No limits on player slots
  • Provides more than 29 game servers
  • Mobile applications provided
  • Enterprise-grade solid-state drives (SSDs)
  • Bleeding-edge hardware for low latency
  • It provides a free trial no credit card info needs
  • No lag with state-of-the-art high-performance hardware
  • One-click installs for vanilla and modded installations

Pricing: The base plan Nano of Nodecraft starts at $9.98/month which includes 2GB of RAM, 10 GB SSD storage, unlimited player slots, and other robust features.

The high-end Omega plan costs  $39.98/monthly which includes 8GB of RAM, 40 GB SSD storage, and unlimited player slots. 


7. GGServers


GGServers is one of the newest Minecraft server hosting in the market. However, they live up to the hype they have created — with the best-in-class Minecraft server hosting. With GGServers you can get your servers up and running in a few minutes. 

The best part, you can set up your Minecraft servers with GGserver instantly. They provide all popular Minecraft Modpacks and server types. The best part all Modpacks are one-click install away, and you can swap them anytime. 

The Multicraft control panel of GGServers provides a highly customized version of the Multicraft control panel. What’s more, managing your servers with GGSerers is easy and in a streamlined control panel. Well, you have the option to choose from nine different server locations.

Key Features:

.ugb-026ad70 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-026ad70.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Nine global server locations
  • Unmetered SSD & NVMe Storage
  • It has a robust multicraft control panel
  • Customize multicraft control panel
  • Support for Java and Bedrock edition
  • All plan comes with active DDoS protection
  • Provides one-click installations for Modpacks & plugins

Pricing: The base plan of GGServers costs $3/mo with 1024 MB RAM, and the high-end Emerald plan costs $36/mo for 12288 MB RAM and other features. You can also switch to premium features to take advantage of the premium hardware and other features. 


8. Cubed Host

CubedHost is a premium Game server hosting that offers fast Minecraft server hosting. Well, it has Java edition Minecraft server hosting, and with easy to set up and customize in minutes. 

Cubed Host also provides a custom control panel where you can manage all the aspects of your Minecraft servers.

You can easily edit the configuration files, install Modpacks, or the latest plugins, manage worlds, change/stop servers, and whatnot.  What’s more, you also get ultimate DDoS protection and automated site backups. 

Cubed Host also provides automatic installation options for over 100 server types. The best part, all the servers of Cubed Host comes with a free web hosting package — upon your request. Using free web hosting, you can easily create a small website for your servers and grow a gaming community real easily. 

Key Features: 

.ugb-687077d li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-687077d.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • 24/7 reliable support
  • Instant setup of servers
  • Ultimate DDoS protection
  • Free web hosting on request
  • It provides a custom control panel
  • Provides off-site automated backups
  • It has easy setup and server customization options

Pricing: The base plan costs $5.24/mo for 768MB RAN 1-5 rec player. The high-end plan costs $83.88 where you get 12 GB RAM and more than 50 rec players. 


9. HostHavoc

HostHavoc is a blazing-fast Minecraft server hosting that is backed with pure NVME SSD storage. However, keep one thing in mind — HostHavoc isn’t a budget-friendly Minecraft server hosting. As they believe in providing the highest-performing hosting. 

HostHavoc comes with instant server activation, where your Minecraft servers will get activated instantly within merely 30 seconds. It also comes with an automatic mod pack installer where you can install a variety of Modopack such as — Twitch Packs, FTB< Pixelmon, and so on. 

The best part, HostHavoc works with all Modpacks available, it supports all the Modpacks. It also provides a multicraft control panel suite that helps you manage every aspect of your Minecraft server hosting.

What’s more, HostHavoc also comes with automatic backups that will be activated within your Multicraft panel. 

Key features

.ugb-6bb373e li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-6bb373e.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Full FTP access
  • Best-in-call DDoS protection
  • Instant server activation
  • It works with all Modpacks
  • Real human 24/7 customer support
  • Provides scheduled automatic backups
  • It comes with an automatic mod-pack installer
  • Custom-tailored multicraft control panel

Pricing: The base Grass plan of HostHavoc costs $5/month for 1 GB RAM and 1-4 rec slots. The high-end Diamond plan costs $60/month that comes with 12 GB RAM and 75-150 rec slots. 


10. Sparked Host

Last but not least, Sparked Host is a best-in-class Minecraft server hosting. It offers the best Minecraft hosting with the state of the art hardware and responsive 24/7 customer support. SparkedHost is by far the best affordable Minecraft hosting available. 

The best part, when you buy Minecraft server hosting, the server will be set up immediately without any delay.

All of the Minecraft server hostings of Sparked host come with DDoS protection. They also have a reliable customer support team whose response time is — 1.35 for live chat and 17.4 minutes for ticket response. 

Sparked Host has enterprise servers which leads to exceptional performance and helps your servers up and running all the time without any latency. Well, you also have the options to choose from different premium server locations all over the world. 

Key Features:

.ugb-78fa852 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-78fa852.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Enterprise hardware
  • Instant setup of servers
  • Provides DDoS protection
  • Responsive and reliable support
  • It has flexible and affordable plans
  • Provides a dedicated control panel

Pricing: The base plan of Minecraft starts at $1/month with comes with 1 GB RAM and around 50GB SSD storage. There are other plans available, you can check that on the official site. 


11. GameTeam

GameTeam is a Minecraft server hosting company with a rich history dating to 2012. It has always been a top contender with reliable services and features at affordable prices.

One of the best things about GameTeam is that it provides unlimited slots for all its plans, so you don’t have to worry about exceeding the number of players. Additionally, it offers DDoS protection up to 1Gbps and 24/7 customer support.

Automatic backups are also included in case something goes wrong with your server. Plus, you get a free subdomain and full FTP access to your server files.

Overall, GameTeam is an excellent option for Minecraft server hosting and is highly recommended.

Key Features:

.ugb-c526b28 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-c526b28.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Unlimited slots for all plans
  • DDOS protection up to 1Gbps
  • 24/7 customer support
  • Free subdomain and full FTP access
  • Automatic backups included

Pricing: The most affordable plan comes with 1.0 GB RAM at $2.50/month. Premium plans start at 12 GB RAM at $30/month. In addition, the company offers support with modpack installation and plugin setup for an additional one-time charge of $15.


12. ServerMiner

ServerMiner is another excellent option for Minecraft server hosting. It has been in the industry since 2014 and offers a wide range of services and features.

One of the best things about ServerMiner is that it provides unlimited slots to all its plans, so you can invite as many players as you want. It also offers DDoS protection up to 1Gbps and 24/7 customer support.

Automatic backups are included in case something goes wrong with your server. Plus, you get a free subdomain and full FTP access to your server files.

Overall, ServerMiner is an excellent option for Minecraft server hosting and is highly recommended. Even if you are getting started, it is a great option to consider.

Key Features:

.ugb-e962cb8 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-e962cb8.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • It will let you track your players.
  • Provide a facility to recover the Minecraft server up to 7 days ago.
  • ServerMiner can roll back all the server files, including plugins and mods.
  • Offers easy-to-install Minecraft mod packs and game versions with a single click.

Pricing: Plans start at $7.58 (Stone). It has six more pricing plans — Coal ($9.89), Lapis ($14.66), Iron ($19.37), Gold ($28.88), Diamond ($38.32), and Bedrock ($47.74). All prices are for monthly plans.


13. Minecraft Hosting Pro

Minecraft Hosting Pro is another excellent option for quality Minecraft server hosting. It has been in business since 2013 and offers a wide range of features at very competitive prices.

One of the best things about Minecraft Hosting Pro is that it provides more slots for all its plans, so you can invite as many players as you want. Plus, it comes with DDoS protection up to 1Gbps and 24/7 customer support.

Automatic backups are included in case something goes wrong with your server. Overall, Minecraft Hosting Pro is an excellent option for quality and affordable Minecraft server hosting.

Key Features:

.ugb-e358cf3 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-e358cf3.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • It offers unmetered NVMe storage.
  • Minecraft Hosting Pro uses the latest AMD Ryzen CPU to provide low-latency Minecraft server hosting.
  • Its Live Web Console will give the real-time status.
  • Offers DDoS protection, Automatic backups, files manager, Instant setup, unmetered storage, etc.

Pricing: The price starts at $12 per month


14. Minecraft Worlds

Minecraft Worlds is an excellent option for quality Minecraft server hosting. It offers a wide range of features, including unlimited slots, DDoS protection, and 24/7 customer support. In addition, automatic backups are included if something goes wrong with your server.

One of the best things about Minecraft Worlds is that it offers easy-to-install Minecraft mod packs and game versions so that you can get started quickly and easily. Overall, Minecraft Worlds is an excellent option for quality Minecraft server hosting.

Key Features:

.ugb-8c7eb4c li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-8c7eb4c.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Minecraft Worlds offers the facility of online editing that will let you edit the configurations.
  • Minecraft Worlds uses the AMD Ryzen 3900X 4.6 GHz processor.
  • It provides a dedicated control panel and FTP access.
  • Minecraft Worlds has a daily backup system.
  • It allows multiple administrators.

Pricing: Monthly plans start from $5.99


15. SeekaHost

SeekaHost is a good option for Minecraft server hosting, offering a wide range of features, including unlimited slots and DDoS protection. Automatic backups are included in case something goes wrong with your server, and you also get a free subdomain and full FTP access to your server files.

One of the best things about SeekaHost is that it offers easy-to-install Minecraft mod packs and game versions, so you can quickly and easily get started. Overall, SeekaHost is an excellent option for quality Minecraft server hosting.

Key Features:

.ugb-f3d5245 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-f3d5245.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • It offers almost all Modpacks and server types.
  • Offers one-click installation
  • SeekaHost can provide maximum storage of up to 2TB.
  • SeekaHost offers DDoS protection.
  • Offers high-performing CPU, tech support, and unlimited SSD

Pricing: Plans start from $3 per month.

.ugb-4f3f9cd-wrapper.ugb-container__wrapper{background-color:#d8d5d5 !important}.ugb-4f3f9cd-wrapper.ugb-container__wrapper:before{background-color:#d8d5d5 !important}.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > h1,.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > h2,.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > h3,.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > h4,.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > h5,.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > h6{color:#222222}.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > p,.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > ol li,.ugb-4f3f9cd-content-wrapper > ul li{color:#222222}


So this is the handpicked list of the best Minecraft server hosting to try. We have tried our best to list only — fast, reliable, and affordable Minecraft server hosting.

You can choose any of the Minecraft server hosting from the above list as per your needs and requirements. We hope this list helped you find at least one reliable Minecraft server hosting

{“@context”:”https://schema.org”,”@type”:”FAQPage”,”mainEntity”:[{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Q1. What is Minecraft?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”Minecraft is a sandbox video game created by Mojan Studios. It is very popular among users. You can create different 3D structures as per your imagination. “}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Q2. Is Minecraft Free?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”No, Minecraft is not free. The price will depend on the device you are going to use on. For Mac PC, you can get it for as low as $1 for the first 3 months or you can buy it for $26.95. Similarly, the price is different for other devices. “}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Q3. Are Minecraft Servers Free?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”While most of the services offer free trial options, the Minecraft servers come with payment. “}},{“@type”:”Question”,”name”:”Q4. Which is The Best Minecraft Servers Hosting?”,”acceptedAnswer”:{“@type”:”Answer”,”text”:”While all the options listed in this article are good to go, Hostinger is a good and cost-effective option that you can select. “}}]}

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