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Based on 3 user reviews, Rank Math has an overall rating of 5.00 out of 5 stars.


Rank Math Review (2024): Pricing, Pros & Cons

Rank Math is a versatile WordPress SEO plugin designed to optimize website content with built-in suggestions based on widely-accepted best practices, automate SEO tasks, and incorporate schema markup for enhanced web presence.

Ease of Use
Value For Money
Customer Support

What is Rank Math?

Rank Math is a search engine optimization (SEO) plugin developed by MyThemeShop in 2020, specifically designed for WordPress websites. This tool helps website owners optimize their content and improve their site’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Rank Math offers a suite of features within an easy-to-use interface and supports over 2 million WordPress sites. It also offers both free and premium plans to suit different levels of SEO needs. The premium plans include advanced optimization tools, with pricing structured to accommodate individuals, small businesses, and agencies. In addition, Rank Math ensures customer satisfaction with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

What is Rank Math good for?

Rank Math SEO improves a website’s SEO performance by offering comprehensive features such as keyword optimization, sitemap generation, and SEO performance tracking. It’s useful for on-page SEO optimization, offering suggestions to improve content visibility and readability. Rank Math makes monitoring and improving website rankings on search engines easy, making it easier for users to identify and fix SEO problems. It’s particularly good at automating SEO tasks, saving users time and effort, and providing detailed analysis and insights to guide SEO strategies.

Who should use Rank Math?

Rank Math is suitable for a wide range of users who want to improve their online presence through better SEO practices. This includes individual bloggers, content creators, small to medium business owners, and SEO professionals. With scalable plans, Rank Math is an excellent choice for websites of all sizes. SEO beginners can benefit from the intuitive interface and guidance features, while seasoned professionals can use the advanced tools offered in the premium plans to fine-tune their optimization strategies. Agencies managing multiple websites will find the Agency plans particularly cost-effective and beneficial for efficiently managing SEO for their clients.

Rank Math Company Details

MyThemeShop, the company behind Rank Math, was founded with the vision of providing high quality WordPress themes and plugins to a global audience. Since its inception, MyThemeShop has grown significantly and currently boasts a portfolio of products that have been adopted by millions of users worldwide. The launch of Rank Math in 2020 marked a significant milestone in the company’s expansion into the SEO tools market. With a dedicated team of developers, designers and SEO experts, MyThemeShop continues to innovate and provide tools that improve website functionality and user engagement. As a privately held company, MyThemeShop has maintained its focus on user-centric solutions, prioritizing customer feedback and continuous improvement of its offerings.

Company Name: Rank Math Ventures LLP

CEO Name: Nimit Kashyap

Est Year: 2020

Employees: 11-50

HQ Location: Delhi, India

Nimit kashyap MyThemeShop
Nimit Kashyap
Suraj Vibhute MyThemeShop
Suraj Vibhute
Bhanu Ahluwalia Rank Math
Bhanu Ahluwalia

Rank Math Demo & Media

Rank Math Top Features

Free to Use

Rank Math offers a completely free version with tons of amazing features to help you optimize your website.

Comprehensive SEO Solution

Rank Math is a comprehensive SEO solution for WordPress websites.

Easy Setup Wizard

Rank Math comes with easy to use setup wizard, so you don't have to go through any technical setup.

Easy Migration from Other Plugins

You may migrate your site from any top SEO plugin like Yoast SEO to Rank Math with just a click.

Advanced User Interface

Rank Math comes with comprehensive user interface where you can manage everything for your site.

Comprehensive On-page SEO Analysis

Rank Math gives you easy option to optimize each of your post with comprehensive on-page SEO analysis.

URL Redirection Tool

Rank Math comes with built-in URL redirection options, so you don't need another plugin for that.

Comprehensive Analytics

Rank Math offers detailed performance analytics for your site.

404 Error Tracking & Management

Rank Math comes with 404 error page analysis tool so that you can keep and track and fix it.

Advanced Schema Generator

Rank Math comes with built-in schema generator to help you optimize your content.

Pros of Rank Math

  • Offers a completely free plan
  • Comprehensive SEO solution for WordPress
  • Track important keywords
  • Track 404 error pages
  • Built-in redirection option

Cons of Rank Math

  • Some users complained about the support

Rank Math Pricing

Along with the completely free option, Rank Math also offers you premium plans with advanced features. Here’re the details of the pricing and features.

You will also get a 30-day complete money-back guarantee. Here are the pricing plans.

Rank Math Pricing

Rank Math Price Comparison

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Rank Math Alternatives

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User Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars (based on 3 reviews)

Uno de los mejores plugin para optimización SEO de WordPress gratuitos

February 9, 2024

Lo mejor de Rank Math es la cantidad de posibilidades que ofrece para optimizar el contenido de tu web para un mejor posicionamiento SEO. Es brutal la diferencia entre Rank Math y otros complementos. Para mi el mejor hasta ahora sin duda. Lo unico que no me gusta es que no se pueda sincronizar con otras herramientas SEO como Semrush, SEOcrawl, etc. Es imprescindible para poder optimziar una web para su posicionamiento SEO.

Lo unico que no me gusta es que no se pueda sincronizar con otras herramientas SEO como Semrush, SEOcrawl, etc.

Avatar for Antonio Miguel R.
Antonio Miguel R.
Review Source: G2

RankMath is SEO for WordPress

January 5, 2024

Over the years I have done technical SEO by hand. It is hard work and the reality of it is that you no matter how many hours you put in, you will never cover all of the details. RankMath has every last detail covered from the moment you start. Doing it all by hand can take months or years and nver be complete. With RankMath, in less than an hour from start to finish you are good to go. Grab a cup of coffee, follow through the Wizard then go spend your time running your business. The solution is updated often, the support is great and the solution will even setup, connect and configuire your google search console and Google Analytics automatically. I wrote a full review of the solution at Software Oasis but If you run in to any questions along the way, their support team is knowledgeable and ready to help. Say good bye to expensive consultants and experts. The support is worh the pruce of the extension alone. We use it every day and the solutions is easy integrate to implement even for non technical users. Nothing not to like. The pro version does add quite a bit of functionality and the support but the free version will get you started. Technical seo setup for WordPress site.

Nothing not to like. The pro version does add quite a bit of functionality and the support but the free version will get you started.

Avatar for Michael B.
Michael B.
Review Source: G2

Rank Math Review

December 11, 2023

It has a Free option so you really get to try the plugin properly first and secondly, it helps with a lot of things with writing the site title, description, creating sitemap, etc. Need to have the feature to generate reports and send automatically to clients. It solves the problem of writing site title, description, creating site maps, etc. easily. It benefits us so that someone without coding experience can easily take care of this.

Need to have the feature to generate reports and send automatically to clients.

Avatar for Jimmy T.
Jimmy T.
Review Source: G2

Rank Math Detail

Rank Math is the plugin that created the maximum noise in the WordPress community in the recent past.

Rank Math is a free SEO plugin created by MyThemeShop. You can use this plugin to optimize your website, the posts, and the pages for search engines.

Yoast SEO plugin has been the undisputed king when it comes to WordPress SEO for many years. It served a very large section of WordPress users until options like Rank Math popped in.

We at BeginDot have been a part of the Rank Math journey since its inception. When I was actively managing SourceWP (now a part of HubSpot) received the request to test the Beta version of the plugin.

And it was a matter of time before we move BeginDot to Rank Math from Yoast SEO that we have been using for many years.

So, why are we moving from Yoast SEO to Rank Math? Is there any issue with the Yoast SEO plugin?

We will look at how Rank Math is different from Yoast SEO in detail in this Rank Math review article.

There is certainly no issue with the Yoast SEO plugin. At least we have not faced any issues with the plugin so far. It has served us exceptionally well for many years for all our blogs.

The main reason why we are moving BeginDot from Yoast to Rank Math is that there are more features and it can retire a couple of plugins that we are using along with the Yoast SEO plugin. We have already tested the plugin on our sister blog for the last two weeks and got good results.

.ugb-b9ef0fa li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-b9ef0fa.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Rank Math is relatively faster than Yoast
  • It offers more features than Yoast
  • Yoast’s premium options are available for free with Rank Math
  • More comprehensive SEO analysis
  • And it Rank Math can migrate smoothly from Yoast without losing any data

Though on-page SEO analysis is a great option offered by both Yoast and the Rank Math plugin. Rank Math offers more comprehensive options that are very helpful for any blogger.

Personally, I’m not a fan of the on-page SEO analysis. I have not set a focused keyword and checked the SEO score of a post before publishing it for years.

But, do I recommend not doing the SEO analysis? Certainly not.

I do not do it because I have been publishing content for the last ten years and when I see a post, I get a fair idea about how well it is optimized. So, I’m good to go with my own analysis of the post.

However, it is a great feature offered by the SEO plugin that can certainly help any blogger to optimize a post nicely.

How to Migrate to Rank Math SEO Plugin

The SEO plugin that you use on your blog is not just another plugin because most of the SEO related features are managed by the SEO plugin.

So, when you think of migrating to a new SEO plugin, there are a number of questions that come to your mind.

Will there be an issue? Will my ranking go down? And so on.

However, a plugin like Rank Math has looked into all possible directions when it comes to the SEO of your site.

And when you are migrating from Yoast SEO or any other SEO plugin, it makes the process very simple. With a few clicks, all the meta-data, all SEO settings will be on your new plugin.

Things you need to consider before you migrate to Rank Math from Yoast or any other SEO plugin.

.ugb-bf6dbb3 li::before{background-image:url(‘’)}.ugb-bf6dbb3.ugb-icon-list ul{columns:1}
  • Make sure to backup your site, just in case
  • Take a snapshot of the ranking of your important posts
  • You can create a Google sheet with the ranking to do a competitive analysis later.

Migrating from Yoast SEO to Rank Math

We are using the Yoast SEO plugin on BeginDot, so we will show you the process of how you can migrate from Yoast plugin to Rank Math.

In case, you are using any other SEO plugin, like All in One SEO Pack; the process will be the same.

If you are migrating from Yoast or any other plugin; you will not need to update every single post separately because Rank Math will migrate everything for you.

So, let’s get started.

Installing Rank Math Plugin

The installation process for the Rank math plugin is the same as any other WordPress plugin.

Go to your WordPress dashboard, Go to Plugins >> Add New and search for Rank Math and install it.

Once you activate the plugin, it will ask you to link your site to the Rank Math site. You can follow the instructions and proceed.

Once the activation is done, you will see the setup wizard.

Rank Math Setup Wizard

Click on the Start Wizard and proceed.

In the next screen, the plugin will ask if you want to import the data from the Yoast plugin. You have the option to skip it and proceed.

However, we will import the data from the Yoast plugin as we need all the meta-data and all other SEO settings on our site.

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It Migrates Your Redirections as well

If you are managing a bigger blog with hundreds of pages, there will be instances when you need to redirect one page to another and for that you generally use a redirection plugin.

Now, here s an advantage with the Rank Math plugin, it has the redirection option built in. It is a pasrt of Yoast’s premium version which is free in the Rank math plugin.

So, we will select both options and proceed.

Rank Math Migration

The migration process will take a couple of minutes depending on the amount of data available on your site.

Your Website Details

In the next step, you will see the details of your site. If any of the details are missing, you can update those and proceed.

Blog Details

In the next step, you will have to connect your SEO setup (your site) with the Google Search Console.

Connect With Google Search Console.

Create Sitemaps

Sitemaps are very important for any website. It helps search engines discover and index the new content on your site.

You can select the options that you want in the sitemaps.

Create Sitemaps
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If you are migrating from Yoast SEO, you don’t need to submit your sitemaps again to the search console as Rank Math follow the same URL, unless there is a new section that you wish to create sitemap for.

SEO Tweaks

The default settings are good to go in the SEO settings option.

You have options like opening the external link in a new window, this is how it should be. Also, there is an option to nofollow all outgoing links, that should be off because it is not a good practice to have a blanket nofollow strategy.

SEO Tweaks

Role Manager

In the Role Manager section, you can define the SEO-related access level for each of the role types, such as Administrator, Editor, Contributor, etc.

Role Manager

404 Pages and Redirections

By default, the 404 monitor option is off, but I have activated this option because I would like to keep track of all the 404 non-existing pages on the blog so that we can take action accordingly.

So, now you don’t need any additional plugin to track 404 error pages.

404 page Tracking

Rank Math Settings Panel

Once you are done with the initial process of following the setup wizard, your site is good to go.

However, you can go to the Rank Math settings panel that you find in the WordPress admin dashboard and check your settings further and do changes as per your need.

Rank Math Settings

Image Settings

If you have a basic understanding of SEO, you will know that the alt tag for images on your blog post is very important from the SEO point of view.

Rank Math gives you the option to auto-create alt tags for your images in case you miss them often which you should not.

Nevertheless, it is an added advantage for newbie bloggers to make things a little easier.

You can find this option under the image settings under the general settings, we are not activating it because we like to add the alt tags manually.

Image Settings for Rank Math

Other General Settings

There are a few important settings options under the general settings panel. You have the option to update your Robots.txt file as well as .htaccess file right from your WordPress admin dashboard without having to login to your FTP and follow the process.

It is recommended to touch those files only if you know what you are doing.

Edit Files

One-Click SEO Analysis

Rank math offers you a single-click SEO analysis of your site. Though it is not mandatory to follow everything as it suggests (especially if you have an idea about SEO), the results can certainly give you some idea about the overall optimization of your site.

SEO Analysis

Single One-Page Optimization

If you are already using the Yoast SEO plugin, you will be familiar with the interface. It is similar to Yoast, you have the option to analyze your blog posts for SEO score before you publish it.

The advantage is that you can optimize your blog post for more than one keyword that is offered by the free version of Yoast.

You can add more than one focus keyword in the Rank Math SEO analysis panel.

Rank Math On-Page SEO Analysis

Rank Math Vs Yoast SEO Plugin

Rank Math and Yoast are the two most popular WordPress SEO plugins at the moment. Yoast enjoyed the monopoly for a long time as far as WordPress SEO is concerned until Rank Math arrived.

Rank Math quickly created a name for itself in the recent past. This is because of the features it offers free of cost.

Also, it is created by MyThemeShop which is known for creating SEO-friendly products for WordPress users. So, you only expect the best from them.

Let’s have a look at how both these plugins and different from each other in this Rank Math vs Yoast SEO plugin section.


Rank Math is a completely free plugin to use. You will not have to pay a penny to use all the features offered by the plugin.

Yoast is free as well. However, there are a number of features that come only in the premium version of the plugin.

Here is the pricing of the Yoast premium option. You have to pay $89 for a single site and the price goes up as per the number of sites you want to use.

Yoast Premium Pricing

User Interface Rank Math Vs Yoast

The user interface of Rank Math is certainly more intuitive than the Yoast SEO plugin. Rank Math offers you a clean and simple user dashboard where you can find things easily.

Whereas, in the Yoast plugin, you might get confused if you are using it for the first time.

For example, here are the options in the image below. There is the Sitemap option that we can see right away but where are the sitemaps?

The link to the Sitemaps will appear when you click on the question mark next to the Sitemap title.

Yoast SEO Interface

Yoast Interface

Rank math Interface

Rank Math Interface

One Page SEO Analysis (Focus Keywords)

Rank Math Vs Yoast SEO Plugin about the on-page SEO analysis. Rank Math certainly has an advantage in this regard.

Rank math gives you the option to analyze your blog posts for five different keywords vs one in the Yoast SEO plugin.

If you wish to use more than one keyword in the Yoast SEO plugin, you will have to go for the paid version. So, the paid options of Yoast are free in the Rank Math plugin.

Rank Math On-Page SEO Analysis

Rank Math Vs Yoast Schema Markup

Schema Markup is one of the most important SEO factors these days. Proper Schema markup makes it easier for search engines to understand your content better.

Rank Math again has the advantage over Yoast plugin here. Rank Math offers you comprehensive Schema options for your site. On the other side, if you are using the Yoast plugin, you will need an additional plugin for the Schema integration.

Schema Markup

URL Redirections

When it comes to managing redirections, Rank Math again has the advantage over Yoast SEO. Rank Math offers you comprehensive 404 error page management.

You have multiple options to manage the 404 error pages. Also, if you wish to redirect one URL to another you don’t need to use any additional plugin because Rank math comes with a built-in option to redirect URLs.


Rank math Vs Yoast SEO Plugin Verdict

When it comes to comparison between the Yoast SEO plugin and Rank Math, the new Rank Math plugin certainly has the advantage over the Yoast plugin.

However, it doesn’t make Yoast SEO a bad plugin. It is still one of the most popular WordPress plugins and is still used by millions of users.

Rank Math offers most of the premium features of the Yoast plugin for free which makes it a better choice for WordPress users.

Rank Math Review: Final Word

Rank Math is certainly a great addition to the WordPress community. It empowers all WordPress users and those users who can’t afford the Yoast premium version.

Even if you are planning to migrate from other SEO plugins such as Yoast, the process is very simple. In 10 minutes you will be done with all the setup.

So, if you are planning to try Rank Math, you can move your site without any issues.

Show More

What Kind of Support Rank Math Offers?

Rank Math plugin comes with comprehensive support to help the users. It offers detailed documentation and knowledge-base where you may learn about the plugin. You can also contact the team if you need any support.
Email Support
Forum & Ticket
Tutorial Videos & Documentation

Rank Math FAQs

Rank Math is a legitimate SEO plugin for WordPress, developed by the creators of MyThemeShop in 2020. It is widely used on over 2 million WordPress sites and is recognized for its ability to effectively improve website rankings.
Considering its widespread adoption and its suite of advanced features, including options tailored for individuals, small businesses, and agencies, Rank Math is worth paying for. The availability of a 30-day money-back guarantee on all premium plans further ensures the value of your investment.
Rank Math offers integrations with several software and tools that are critical to SEO and website optimization. While specific integration partners are not detailed in the factual information provided, Rank Math’s comprehensive features suggest compatibility with major analytics, social media, and productivity tools.
Rank Math is designed to be a safe and secure SEO plugin for WordPress sites. Given its large user base and professional support from MyThemeShop, users can expect regular updates and security measures to protect their information and improve their website’s SEO performance.
Rank Math is designed to support a wide range of website types, including e-commerce websites. Its features are tailored to effectively improve the SEO and online visibility of e-commerce platforms.
Migrating to Rank Math from another SEO plugin is facilitated by its user-friendly interface and dedicated support. The process is designed to be straightforward, minimizing the potential for data loss or significant disruption.
Rank Math is designed to optimize website rankings in search engines. Its comprehensive suite of SEO tools and features, combined with regular updates to accommodate search engine algorithms, make it a powerful tool for improving search engine rankings. 

Platforms Supported

Review Method

At BeginDot, we go through each product in detail so that we can prove the most authentic information to our audience. We try the products, go through documentation, do research in user sentiments before adding our final recommendation. 

Affiliate Disclosure: BeginDot is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

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